Transformational Leadership Development Program (TLDP).

Transformational Leadership Development Program

“Became a high performance leader today”

The purpose of transformational Leadership Development Program is to develop high performance leaders who have the right capacity and attitude to not only achieve exceptional results in their organizations, but also develop other leaders.
Our leadership development approach is based on credible research from all over the world, and has been used by some of the most successful global companies such as Google, Microsoft and IBM.

Our Unique Approach

Once participants are enrolled for The Transformational Leadership Development Program, they are taken through a series of professionally designed programs aimed at helping them realize and exploit their full leadership potential, while creating an enabling environment for developing other leaders.

Intensive training on leadership topics: The 2 weeks training covers all the key personnel development and leadership topics, from personal branding to creating high performance teams

Self-assessment quizzes: For every topic trained, the participants are required to take a self-assessment online quiz to enhance learning and retention. This ensures all the concepts are understood.

Discussion Forums: The training is highly practical. Our e-learning system has an in-built discussion forum whether participants engage on how they will apply each concept learned in improving both themselves and the organization.

Vantage Africa Online Book Club: Leaders are readers. All participants are enrolled in the Vantage Africa Online Book club for 2 months, where they read a minimum of 4 leadership books. The idea is to develop a sustainable reading culture among participants.

Leadership Coaching and Mentorship: Each participant will get a coaching session to help them bring out their full potential.

Program Outcome

Achieve a high level of self-awareness. They will understand their unique strengths, set challenging goals and push themselves to exceed expectations.

Build High Performance Teams. Participants will be able to use the leadership skills learnt to inspire their teams to achieve exceptional performance sustainably.

Build High Performance Teams. Participants will be able to use the leadership skills learnt to inspire their teams to achieve exceptional performance sustainably.

Develop other transformational leaders in their organizations. Participants will learn how to mentor their colleagues and create an environment where leadership development thrives.

Develop a sustainable learning culture. Effective leaders are daily learners. Through our online book club platform, participants will gain insights on why and how to be lifelong learners.

Training Content

Leadership Demystified

Learn what leadership is and why it is critical in organizational growth today.
Areas covered:

  • Introduction to Leadership

  • Leadership vs Management

  • Leadership Styles

  • Essential skills of a leader

  • Principles of High Impact Leadership

Personal Awareness and Branding

Transformational leadership starts with self-awareness and self-leadership. In this session, you will learn exactly what your strengths and giftings are, and how to communicate this powerfully.
Areas covered include:

  • Personal SWOT analysis (practical)

  • Personality assessment (practical)

  • Emotional Intelligence and performance

  • Personal life goal setting (practical)

  • Building and sustaining a memorable personal brand

Charging Teams for Great Performance

Your performance as a leader is tied to how well you are able to charge your team for superior performance. Learn how to ensure your team is exceeding expectations.
 Areas covered:

  • Powerful and Effective Communication

  • Superior motivation techniques

  • Celebrating success

  • Effective performance management

Strategic Leadership

Strategic leadership is all about ensuring organizational sustainability. It is about looking ahead, and also ensuring everyone in your team adopts a strategic mindset in decision making. 
Areas covered:

  • Introduction to strategic leadership

  • Strategic management frameworks

  • Organizational culture and strategy

Developing leaders through empowerment

Mahatma Gandhi once said: A sign of a good leader is not how many followers you have but how many leaders you create. Creating leaders helps you replicate your potential and multiply your impact. But how do you develop high performance leaders? This session gives you the insights.
Areas covered

  • Recognizing Human Potential

  • Using effective delegation to improve performance

  • The art of leadership coaching

  • Inspiring Integrity

Action Strategies for Implementation at the Work Place

The best way to develop leadership skills is to practice them in your day to day work. To effectively do this, a clear strategy for implementation is critical. In this session, you will receive professional support in coming up with these strategies.
Areas covered:

  • An analysis of the leadership skills you already have, the ones you need to work on in the next 3 months, and how to do it.

  • Your self-awareness and brand building strategies for the next 3 months

  • An analysis of the current performance of your team, reasons behind the performance, and the strategies to improve performance in the next 3 months.

  • Identifying potential leaders in your team, and the strategies you will adopt to improve their leadership skills in the next 3 months.

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Transformational Leadership Development Program

Watch Videos

Leadership Vs. Management: How to find your unique style and thrive as a Senior Manager
Introduction to Leadership (Leadership Demystified)