Vantage Africa

Programs & Courses

Discover courses and programs to develop you both personally and in your profession. Need a Course designed to fit your team? Tell us what you need.

Resource Mobilization and Proposal Development Training

Resource Mobilization and Proposal Development Training

Learn Resource Mobilization and Proposal Writing today. Resources are the driving forces of organizations. Our Resource Mobilization and Proposal Development course will help you to identify the current gap in resources and develop highly effective and sustainable fundraising strategies.

Certified Monitoring and Evaluation course

Certified Monitoring and Evaluation Course

Are you a development worker or a public sector manager looking for a practical course on how to measure success and report on project results effectively? Certified Monitoring and Evaluation Course is the most demanded skill by international NGOs today.

Project Management Professional Certification Course

Project Management Professional Certification Course

Are you a practising project manager that is not certified and are looking for a project management short course that will assist you greatly in your career? Then this practical project management course is suited for you.

Senior Management Course

Senior Management Course

In an era when organizations’ success increasingly relies on people, effective management and leadership skills are a major prerequisite to taking up managerial positions both in the public and private sector.

Microsoft Project Training course

Microsoft Project Training

Microsoft Project is one of the most popular program for those working in Project Management. The program is ideal for Project teams who are looking to plan their projects, monitor, control and coordinate.

Transformational Leadership Development Program

Transformational Leadership Development Program (TLDP)

The purpose of transformational Leadership Development Program is to develop high performance leaders who have the right capacity and attitude to not only achieve exceptional results in their organizations, but also develop other leaders.

Supervisory Skills Training course

Supervisory Skills Training

While requirements for managerial positions vary depending on the industry, the specific type of managerial job, the company’s culture and other factors, they generally all require you to monitor the performance of other employees as well as give those employees instructions

Statistical Data Analysis using SPSS Course

Statistical Data Analysis using SPSS Course

This course will introduce you to the uses and functions of the statistical software SPSS. It covers data entry and editing, and the basics of analyses and graphs.

Trainer of Trainers (ToT) Training

Trainer of Trainers (ToT) Training

The best trainers create environments that encourage innovative thinking and positive change. In this certification programme, trainers-turned-participants learn about the latest methodologies and technologies for capacity-development activities.

Practical Accounting Course

Practical Accounting Course

Finance is the universal language of business. Any business is concerned with effective accounting and management of finances, and an understanding of Practical Accounting concepts will help you to meaningfully contribute to the growth of the organization.

Performance Management Training

Performance Management Training

Performance Management is critical to the success of any business. A continuous process of managing the performance of the employees as soon as they enter the organization

Effective Customer Service training

Effective Customer Service training

This course is ideal for anyone seeking training in the admin area of work.

Advanced Microsoft Excel Training Course

Advanced Microsoft Excel Training Course

How well can you use Microsoft Excel to analyse data for decision-making? Give yourself the gift of knowledge and master spreadsheets. Register today for a 5-day highly practical and vibrant Advanced Excel Training.

Premium CV writing Services

Premium CV writing Services

Looking for a job can be stressful, and finding ways to stand out from other job-seekers is often difficult. Writing a quality CV is challenging, time-consuming, and requires a lot of effort. Instead of stressing out, one option is to have a professional do it for you.

Leaders Online Book Club

Leaders Online Book Club

Our online book club mission is to inspire meaningful connections across the world through reading and discussion. We believe in the power of book club to enhance the reading experience, support lifelong learning, and build community

Strategic Leadership Development Program

Strategic Leadership Development Program

Most organizations and business ensure that senior roles are handled by professionals with the right set of skills and clear goals. Good leaders are indispensable resources for an organization, not only because they contribute to the firm’s growth, but they also drive innovation.

Advanced Digital Marketing

Advanced Digital Marketing

Become a Digital Marketing Expert Today. Achieve exponential growth in your business and career with a Professional Certificate on Advanced Digital Marketing from Vantage Africa School of Leadership.

Public Speaking

Public Speaking

Learn Public Speaking today. Public speaking is the act of giving a speech or presentation to a live audience with a goal to inform, persuade, or entertain. Many people cite public speaking as one of their biggest fears, but with practice, you can learn to build confidence and improve your skills to enjoy public speaking in any situation

Knowledge management Certification course

Knowledge management Certification course

Knowledge management is the process by which an enterprise gathers, organizes, shares and analyses its knowledge in a way that is easily accessible to employees. This knowledge includes technical resources, frequently asked questions, training documents and people skills.

Corporate training, conferences and seminars

Corporate training, conferences and seminars

Corporate training is a way of providing learners the information and skills they need to do their jobs at a high level