Post Covid-19 work environment: How to make yourself indispensable in the workplace

As COVID-19 continues to affect day to day life in almost every country in the world, it has also had a huge impact on a wide range of industries from airline carriers to corner stores. Many economists are saying that economic depression seems almost inevitable at this point.

As many businesses are making difficult cost-cutting decisions, it is now more important than ever to become an irreplaceable asset at work. Demonstrating your worth as a valuable team member in all work environments may be the best way to ensure you still have a job if a recession does hit. Here are some ideas to help increase how indispensable you are in your role.

1. Always Look to Improve

When starting in a new position, people generally seem to learn what they need to do as fast as possible. As our knowledge, ability, and confidence all grow over time, at some point, most people start to believe that they know enough. They make an unconscious decision to stop learning anything new, and they become increasingly complacent. But it turns out that employees who never stop trying to improve are the hardest ones to replace. The best advice is to ensure that you are never too arrogant to ask anyone for help and to stay humble.

2. Develop Creativity and Don’t Be Afraid to Share

People often think that creative people are just born with it. In reality, creativity is just like any other skill. When you nurture it, you develop your creativity – but it does take a lot of practice over time. By learning how to understand other people’s ideas and creations, you are then able to create your own plans and build on them by making modifications and improvements as required. Significant achievements in every company always need a strong team effort. So be a team player and stand out from the crowd by always sharing your creative ideas.

3. Enjoy What You Do

Nobody wants to deal with someone who doesn’t enjoy what they do. That’s because everyone you come into contact with during work, from customers to employers, are all searching for the same thing… happiness. So, not only should you like what you do every day at work, but you should be content with the life your job provides you outside of work hours. Slowing the pace of your life gives you time to appreciate the little things. Putting aside a few hours can often help you be more productive than always going full speed ahead. Remind yourself why you work so hard each day by making time for you to breathe it all in and relax, or just have some fun.

4. Foster Essential Relationships

Strong interpersonal skills in the workplace are essential as they enable you to work well with everyone you come in contact with, from managers and co-workers to the all-important customers. Not only will developing strong work relationships help with your success in the workplace, but it also allows you to become the preferred point of contact to clients considered crucial to the company. By becoming a trusted advisor for your company’s biggest customer, you will become just as essential as the client.

5. Add Value to Every Transaction

You should ask yourself, every time you have completed a project, if you’ve done all that you can. Maybe there is extra that you could do to add value for the end-user, the company’s bottom line, or perhaps even something to make the job easier for co-workers. Always put the quality of your work first – above all else. This type of honest communication helps you to create a proactive work environment which ensures you have done everything to add as much value as possible to everyone involved.

6. Position Yourself at the Core of the Business

While many employers often say that anyone can be replaced, becoming indispensable means work colleagues and managers would never want to replace you. One of the most effective methods of securing this position is by becoming the most important cog within the core function of the company. Whether that means you have unique knowledge or skills that you have built up to be better than anyone else, you have an important role within the company that would be much harder to function without your input. Increase your job security by becoming someone who can always be counted on to get things done. Knowing that your position is necessary increases your happiness and work satisfaction.

7. Stay Current or Ahead of Trends and Technology

Businesses everywhere are going online and need help more than ever. From design services to marketing, try offering your services to help them out. While people are under quarantine, social media usage has exploded, so services such as social media marketing can help a business promote their products. Because industry trends and technology are almost always changing, if you want to continue being an invaluable company asset, you should keep up by continually learning any new skills that you can. This will allow you to become the first point of contact for fresh advancements, meaning your unique skills and knowledge are more valuable than anyone who isn’t up to date.




Online Vs boardroom training: Lessons and opportunities for the post Covid-19 period

The debate on whether to go for online training (e-learning) or to stick to traditional classroom learning has been going on for some time now. Organizations have been under pressure to provide their staff with high quality training but also cost effectively. With internet access at its all-time high, many organizations are considering the concept of moving their staff training online to save both money and time, and improve effectiveness. This article seeks to show that there is not a better time for organizations to migrate to online learning because of the immense benefits it offers.


Cost Effective

Training has traditionally been a very expensive undertaking. Organizations planning to train their staff had to budget for costs such as travel, accommodation, meals, training materials etc. Without these usual training costs online training is able to deliver a high quality training program with a fraction of the traditional training budget. This means you can train more staff regularly thus improving your overall performance.


Minimal Disruption to Operations

One of the key challenges with regard to staff training has been disruption to operations. In today’s fast paced world, it is very expensive to have staff out of their work stations for training. Most organizations simply can’t afford this, and sometimes this makes them choose not to train their staff. With online approach, staff do not need to leave their work for days to be trained. They just need to set aside an hour or two daily, and then continue with their daily work. Research shows that this is more than enough time for staff to learn great content.



Traditional boardroom trainings do not give an opportunity for objective assessment of what has been learned. It is therefore hard to know who has learnt what. In most cases, the participants will be trained for a say a week, and at the end of the training, the facilitator can only hope that they retained the key concepts taught. This is not the case with online training. Advanced online learning management systems like the one used by Vantage Africa School of Leadership have inbuilt assessment systems where staff can assess themselves and revisit areas they did not understand. At the end of every lesson, there is a self-assessment quiz that is automatically marked by the system. Every staff is expected to score 100%, but is allowed an unlimited number of attempts. If they score say 80% in their first attempt, they will revisit the material to see what they missed and then re-attempt the quiz. By the time they are scoring 100%, it is possible to say with a high degree of certainty that learning has taken place.


Peer Learning

The level of peer learning in the online learning approach is more effective than traditional classroom learning. Online learning management systems have an in-built discussion forum where learners post the unique aspects they learnt in each lesson, and how they will apply them in their day to day work. This is visible to all other participants, and they are required to make a thoughtful response to these post. By posting what one has learnt, and responding to what others have posted, participants are able to benefit from each other during the learning process.



Research shows that learning is more effective when it is self-paced. Traditional boardroom training limits training to a time that may not be very convenient for learning. For example, some people find it hard to concentrate in the afternoon, and this may affect how much they learn any material that is taught during this time. However, with the online approach, staff are able to set aside the time when their minds are most active to learn. For example, someone may decide they are likely to learn best very early in the morning, and therefore set aside an hour or so during that time to interact with the learning materials. Others learn better in the evening or weekend. There are those who even decide to learn as they commute to work, or when relaxing on a beach on a Sunday afternoon. Ultimately, it is the individual who chooses when to learn, provided they complete the material within the assigned period. This significantly improves learning effectiveness.


Learner Involvement

During a traditional classroom training, it is not always possible to ensure every participant is fully involved in the learning process. Some learners will wander off and miss out on important points, and it only takes an exceptional facilitator to ensure everyone is participating. Even then, regardless of how exciting a facilitator is, they will still lose some participants at one point or another. The online approach to learning, however, ensures every participant is fully involved in the learning process. This participation is not tied to factors such as time of the day, how exciting the facilitators is, weather etc (all of which affect learner involvement during a traditional classroom training). Each participant is usually given a unique account which will track their learning progress (login credentials are provided). This account will track their performance in the self-assessment quizzes, discussion forums and peer evaluations. It is also possible to tell how long they have logged in into the system, how many times they have attempted the self-assessment quizzes, the comments they have made on the discussion forum etc. Learning is fully personalized.


Learning Culture

To be effective and thrive in today’s competitive environment, organizations must ensure that learning is continuous, rather than an occasional affair. A learning culture should be embedded in every organization. Online learning approach ensures that learning is not something you do for a day or two and then resume your day to day life. Learning is a daily thing, and it is lifelong.



The above points show that online learning is an idea whose time has surely come. Regardless of size or complexity, every organization can now train their staff with minimal disruptions and in a cost effective manner. Most importantly, organizations must seek to embed a learning culture in their staff, as this will guarantee continuous improvement.





Online training: The new normal in building learning organizations

Organizations need to learn continuously in order to keep growing. However, traditional boardroom training can be an expensive and disruptive affair. This is the reason why major organizations have fully embraced the concept of online training to meet their learning needs. Online learning (or e-learning) provides a world of opportunities not previously available with the traditional learning methods. This article explores why this approach is the new normal in building learning organizations.

The corporate world today has become extremely competitive. Survival in this environment is heavily dependent on how well organizations are able and willing to innovate. The pressure to provide goods and services at the cheapest cost has never been higher. This makes learning a critical component in the work environment, as it ensures organizations remain relevant in the marketplace.

With the current technological advancement, many things have changed. One of these things is how we learn. There is a huge change with regard to how we access information, from sitting in a library to a few taps on your phone. The proliferation of smartphones and mobile internet provides a unique opportunity for online learning. Research shows that mobile internet penetration has grown astronomically over the last few years, from 29 per cent in 2013 to 52 per cent in 2019, and is projected to reach 61 per cent of the global population by 2025. This means that 1.74 billion new users will come online by 2025, most of whom live in emerging markets where mobile technology is the only channel for most people to get online.

This presents a unique opportunity for organizations to adopt a cheap and effective online learning approach. For a long time, online learning has been scorned over due to the view that it may not be as effective as classroom training. However, with new innovations in this field, the effectiveness of online learning has surpassed that of classroom learning by far. According to one research by IBM, online learning is up to 5 times more effective than traditional classroom training.

With the convenience of e-learning, more organizations are sure to adopt this approach in the coming years. Whereas traditional online learning requires staff to put on hold their daily activities to attend the training, online learning allows continuation of operations while learning is still going on. Staff only need to set aside an hour or so of their workday to interact with the learning materials, and then proceed with their daily activities. Assured of minimal interruptions, organizations will endeavor to train more often, leading to improved productivity.

There are however organizations that may not be in a position to build a robust e-learning platform for their staff. They may be lacking the necessary expertise, or they may simply not have time to do it. That is where online learning providers such as Vantage Africa School of Leadership comes in. This organization provides a highly effective learning management platform that aims at building a learning culture in organizations. Small and Medium enterprises as well as large corporates can benefit greatly from this platform. Vantage Africa School of Leadership partners with world class trainers to develop state of the art learning materials and follow-up mechanisms to ensure there is real observable behavioral change in participants.


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